North Korea flag is depicted on the screen with the program code

North Korean Hackers Exploit Internet Explorer to Spread RokRAT Malware

In a strikingly recent cyber onslaught, North Korean hackers are leveraging unpatched vulnerabilities within Internet Explorer to deploy the formidable RokRAT malware against targets in South Korea. This campaign is the latest example of the ongoing technological arms race where cybercriminals utilize known security flaws to bypass defenses. The exploitation tactics include malicious Word documents that, once opened, trigger the installation of RokRAT—an invasive remote access trojan capable of stealing sensitive data.

Even with Microsoft no longer supporting Internet Explorer, organizations and individuals still using this outdated browser are particularly vulnerable. With the virus’ sophisticated capabilities, including mobile functionalities and user data interception, this escalation serves as a grave reminder of the importance of updating software to fend off tailored cyber threats.



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